Georgia Family Rights Georgia Family Rights

Georgia Family Rights
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Are you concerned with preserving Georgia's families?

WE have the right guaranteed by law and the Constitution to make our own choices in our
relationships and marriages; birthing and raising our children; instilling our own values into our children;controlling our children's education, health, and and discipline; conrolling what social values we chose to accept, or not, for ourselves and our children, withough coercive governmental intervention and control.

We have the right, when involved with DFACS and Juvenile courts, to a system free from corruption, that acts in a lawful manner and within Constitutional constraints, fully accoutable to the citizens so that families can expect to receive fair, prompt, equitable, objective and lawful treatment.

Georgia families are under siege. The only way to restore our autonomy and preserve the freedom to make our own choices is for us to come togethr as a political force.

By Joining us you can make a Difference
